Emotional Well-Being

Emotional well-being covers an integrated approach to making deep and lasting change at the emotional level, the behaviour level the thinking level or all three and encompasses both therapy and coaching for change.

Emotional well-being uses the many different tools and techniques that I have trained in over many years, some of which are listed below, either individually or combined together in a more fluid way, to best help a client with the type of changes that they want and at the pace that they want to go. It is an approach that puts the client at the centre of the session to help them experience their own life in the way that they want to.

The sessions are available for children and adults as individual sessions or as part of a package.


NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming underpins all of the other techniques as it is both a comprehensive standalone technique and a set of approaches which can be used across many other methods of coaching and therapy. The methods of NLP encompass a huge field of expertise and are in constant development. NLP is used across many industries and businesses as well as for personal growth and change.

NLP works with the mind and body as a linked system and uses the power, flexibility and inherent knowledge of the unconscious mind to create deep and lasting change often avoiding the necessity of travelling the well worn pathway of the story about how it came to be. NLP focusses helping the client change in the way that they want and although you can expect to talk about what it is you do and do not want it is not primarily a talking therapy.


Hypnotherapy is the art of making changes at the unconscious level of the mind and is most often performed when the client is in a pleasantly relaxed state although this is not absolutely necessary.

A typical hypnotherapy session will involve some time talking about what is wanted and not wanted anymore followed by the relaxing process of the hypnosis session. The art of hypnotherapy allows the therapist to open the door to change for the client, however it is up to the mind of the client to step through. This cannot be forced or coerced in any way ensuring that the client remains at all times true to themselves.


EFT or emotional freedom technique is a lovely method which taps on acupuncture points around the body to ‘re-set’ the mind/body link around thoughts, emotions and events.  It is a method when once learned during a session can be easily used at home to continue the process or for further personal growth and change.

The tapping method uses phrases and words to focus in on the problem and from there make the desired changes.

It is also an easy method for children to use and sessions with parent/carers can bring benefits to all.

Stress Resilience

Stress resilience is all about managing stress where it is an on-going issue and recovering from stressful events and periods when they have come to an end.  It is also about helping with the anticipation of stress in the future and how to manage and understand the thinking around the future and how to develop the resilience and the tools to help manage and live resourcefully with it.

Stress is experienced in many individual ways and if you perceive something to be stressful then your body will exhibit stress reactions. There are many different components to stress which if left to become overwhelming can lead to burn out and other illnesses both emotional and physical.

Video consultations are available.