What is NLP?

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is an ever growing and developing set of tools for helping people create change in their lives at a deep and lasting level. NLP is highly flexible and underpins many other change methods such as hypnotherapy and EFT as well as other professions in the wider world such as teaching and training as well as in business communication.

NLP helps the practitioner to communicate directly with a person’s unconscious mind in order to help them change in the way that they want and can be performed when walking and talking around a space or in a light, imagining type state.

How Does NLP Work?

Most of the way in which we interact with the world around us is a as a result of our own internal ways of understanding the world built up over timer and through our experiences. This road map is unique to each of us and is subject to our own sets of beliefs, values and sense of identity and the behavioural programmes that we run as a result of it.

Without shifting the map in our unconscious mind, any changes are likely to be only sticking plasters on the presenting problem which may re-occur over time or seem to be incredibly difficult to change at all.

NLP understands this and works at those structural levels of the mind in order to change the map in a permanent and helpful way.

What can NLP be used for?

NLP can be applied to just about anything from the smallest of adjustments to massive life change. It cannot force change as it works hand in hand with your unconscious mind and so is safe and ethical and change comes at the pace that is right for you.

The strategies and techniques of NLP are widely applied for help in dealing with phobias, fears, anxiety, panic attacks, healing the past, trauma, weight loss, habit change, life changes, confidence, acquiring new skills, finding more resourceful ways of living, relationship challenges, overcoming limitations and much more.

NLP is a very powerful set of tools which underpins many coaching and emotional well-being techniques as well as being used in many industries and organisations for problem solving, communication, sales etc.